The Master of Handheld Gaming Consoles: Nintendo
With the launch of Nintendo Switch Lite, Nintendo has come full circle on its handheld consoles pedigree. While the original Switch launched last July can be considered as a portable console in a way, it wasn’t exactly worthy of being considered a standalone portable gadget. Nonetheless, Nintendo is undeniably the leading gaming console manufacturer when […]
Tesla Makes Its Marks with Record Number of Delivered Cars
For long people have speculated whether Tesla will be able to sustain itself in the automotive industry, given all the lawsuits and other complications the company has had to face in the recent years. But lo and behold, it seems that Tesla has finally emerged victorious despite all, and they have a record number of […]
Seth Rogen Responds To the Underage Kid Arrested With a ‘Mclovin’ Fake ID
Daniel Alfredo was courageous enough to not only get the Mclovin ID created but also used it to purchase alcohol. The police approached the 20-year-old in the bar in Iowa, early morning Friday. The police allegedly found Daniel sipping a drink. Initially, he refused to provide the officers with his ID, but when he was […]