Cleveland’s Local News channel has A Helpful New Segment: ‘What Day is it?’

  • AUTHOR: dua
  • POSTED ON: April 8, 2020

This day, that day, other day, someday, yesterday, today, the next day… in case you haven’t received the memo already, these are the days of the week. 

Source: YouTube

Social distancing has given us more time on our hands than we had. Gone are the days when we daydreamed about being at home. I mean, nobody plans for a pandemic, right? Obviously, since we’ve not seen the sun for so long, it’s becoming harder to keep track of the days of the week. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little but the answer isn’t at the tip of your tongue either like it usually use to be.

We no longer feel organized and we’ve said goodbyes to our routine. We stay up all night and wake up in the middle of the afternoon because who cares?

Fox 8 News Team might not have a cure for Coronavirus, but they do have a way of reminding us what day it is.

The opening and closing songs take up most of the time whereas the actual “show” lasts roughly for about one second. In this one second, host Ted Meany comes out and tells what day it is and then goes back into his shell. This lighthearted break is exactly what we needed.

Now, the tuning time gives the viewers enough time to recall which day of the week it is, but it’s still a lot of fun. You can play this guessing game with your parents, siblings, partner, pets, whoever you’re quarantining with!

By the way, today is Wednesday…. Just so you know.

Updated April 8, 2020
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