Earn $1,000 And Binge Watch The Office With Your Friends In A Virtual Hangout!

  • AUTHOR: dua
  • POSTED ON: April 11, 2020

We’ve been stuck in this miserable labyrinth of suffering for more than twenty days if not more. Quarantine has made us binge-watch hundreds of series and multiple movies in the last couple of days, and now, we’re left with nothing new to watch. 

Source: Looper

But since, new series are less likely to be released, why don’t you revisit some of the classics?

Well, here’s how you can cash in on this time. Check out this incredible offer by USDIsh.com. This site will give you $1,000 if you sign up for a virtual hang out with your friends to binge-watch The Office!

Overheard Business Calls is a famous blog that is giving out a similar opportunity. They are offering a whopping $1,000 if you remotely hang out with your friends and binge-watch a show. All you need to do is convince two of your friends and go through 15 episodes filled with Michael Scott’s errors. It doesn’t get any better than this! Imagine being paid for something you already love to do! (Of course, social distancing plays a major role here)

Once you’re done, you simply need to fill out an application form and provide little information regarding the episode you enjoyed the most. Sounds tough, but we know you can do it.

“The business case for doing this is to get some publicity for our brand. But honestly, we’re looking to give back to folks during this time. We understand that Americans are struggling in a variety of ways: socially, financially, mentally, etc. We hope that we can help some folks out by having someone host this remote watch party for them and their friends.” – said the site representative through email.

Ready to make a quick buck?

Updated April 11, 2020
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