Fox Runs Away With a Phone and Records Itself While Running

  • AUTHOR: isbah
  • POSTED ON: April 7, 2020

Now we have all seen pets disrupting the workout routines of their owners but hold your horses because nothing comes close to a sneaky fox stealing your phone!

Mikayla Raines, who is the founder of SaveAFox, a Fairbalut, Minnesota-based center established to protect the foxes from the fur trade, found herself in a difficult situation. She was probably going to record herself doing yoga or any other form of exercise but we will never find out because a fox enters the frame, takes her phone and runs away.

Don’t you do anything to my phone,” she warned the fox but the hairy thief had other plans. The next 60 seconds show Raines running after the fox, trying to get her phone back but as soon as she gets close, the fox runs away at full speed.

Updated April 7, 2020
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