Why is Tobey Maguire a Total Jerk in Real Life?

  • AUTHOR: midhat
  • POSTED ON: November 28, 2020

Tobey Maguire a real jerk.

The friendly neighborhood Spiderman is not that friendly

Yes, we’re talking about our very own beloved Toby Maguire!

There was a time when he used to dazzle with his outclass
acting (Remember that iconic emo dance?)

And sometimes we remember
him as the internet everlasting goofy babyface meme.

The California-based actor was leading the silver screen
through the late 1990’s and 2000’s. Most prominently, he marked the beginning
of the modern superhero era, with his fitting costume and getting ahead in one
of the Marvel’s “mega successes” in the earliest times.

While the initial years of the new century suggested no stop
to Mr. Maguire’s snowballing success, it wasn’t long after the successful
reception to Spider-Man 3 in 2007
that Maguire’s on-screen presence started vanishing. Although he still starred
in many big movies such as The Great
or his hilarious cameo in Tropic
, after that he didn’t get many great roles on the screen.

So, what was the reason behind Maguire’s rapid downfall?
Well, as they say, everything happens for a reason. From his demeaning attitude
in the public to his rude conduct with fans, we’ve gathered some of the reasons
behind Tobey Maguire’s devastating collapse, which prove that he is a
total jerk in real life!

He is a
total nuisance at work

Despite his charming on-screen persona, Toby Maguire was a
very difficult person to work with and when it comes to Tobey Maguire in real life. From the start of his career, many co-stars
reported a number of issues with the actor. James Franco, for example,
expressed his resentment and said that he had a very rough time working with
Tobey. Although Franco is on good terms with him now, it still suggests that
Tobey wasn’t an easy man to work with!

And it wasn’t just with the co-actors. In fact, Toby once
tried to bully Columbia Pictures to change the filming schedule for his alleged
back pain. He even insisted executives to meet his surgeons to discuss his workload,
only to be discarded from the project a few days later. Soon, he learned his
lesson and ended up apologizing to the film producers, admitting that his
attitude towards work was “inappropriate” and “unprofessional.”

Tobey Maguire is a big ol’ jerk!

One casting member described him as “the worst little monster you have ever met!” On various film sets, Toby has been seen ordering
people not to look him in the eyes, even insisted people call him with
bizarre names like “Tugboat Maguire” or “Tugboat Tobey.”

Like seriously?

He wants to be called with such names because he believes he
is “small but strong like a tugboat.” He takes great offence if someone doesn’t
abide by what he said. For example, in one interview, Tobey refused to answer
any questions until the interviewer referred him with the “proper name.” 
He even fired a publicist in the middle of an interview for
not informing the interviewer about the name requirement.

According to a report, Maguire lashed at a fan stating, “I’m
small but strong, just like a tugboat, so call me fucking ‘Tugboat Maguire.’
How hard can that possibly be?”

If he had objections with his name, he should have argued
with his parents, instead of lashing out his frustrations everywhere!

Needless to say, there are fair amount of reports and
instances proving he’s a total nuisance to work with.

refused to be a sweet friendly actor!

Maguire once said in an interview that he was “too reserved
as an actor.” He doesn’t consider himself as a charismatic guy of Hollywood who
likes to be excessively social, outgoing, frank, and flashy.

That may be acceptable, considering that every actor has
their own comfort circle to socialize with, but there’s a fine line between
being reserved and being rude. Maguire has been rude to many in the film
industry, and it’s no surprise why his problematic personality has done little
to no help and he’s gradually faded from the minds of Hollywood casting

veracious gambling habit

Look, we have no issues with a filthy rich actor spending
his money in gambling and having fun in the process! In fact, he had a
reputation of being an absolutely great player!

He was also reportedly a part of the popular poker ring with
Molly Bloom. She used to organize poker games for many Hollywood actors in the
early 2000s, and Maguire was her frequent visitor. In the movie Molly’s game,
she revealed that Maguire was “the worst tipper, the best player, and the
absolute loser.”

He even tried to humiliate her once and ordered her to bark
in exchange of $1,000.

In 2011, he was reportedly in a lawsuit that has ruined much
of his image as a gambler. Actually, he accidently won some money that turned
out to be stolen from investors by an illegal Ponzi scheme. Yes, we know it was
pure accident, but it isn’t fitting with the personality of an actor playing a
beloved childhood superhero to being in the headlines surrounding stolen money,

From accidentally winning stolen money to his reputation as
an evil gambler, Maguire’s gambling habit has done more damage to his career
than anything else.

But here’s the thing: we don’t really know what it likes to
be in an A-list actor’s shoes. When constantly hounded by a bunch of paparazzi
and fans tailing your every move, even the most patient person would lose his
calm and snap at some point! We can’t blame Toby for embracing his introvert
personality, but it doesn’t give him any leverage to be rude and arrogant all
the time.

Let’s see what the future beholds for the actor, but one
thing is for sure: he is longer our beloved friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

Updated November 28, 2020
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