Your Love Isn’t Cheap, but These Gift Ideas Are

  • AUTHOR: fiona
  • POSTED ON: February 6, 2020

We all desire a love that doesn’t hurt our wallet. 

Source: Family Life

If the unstable economy and looming recession weren’t enough to remind you of the indispensable need to save money, then Valentine’s Day is right around the corner to give you a reality check. The list of expenses keeps getting longer for all you broke asses and we empathize with you because we’re on the same boat.

Valentine’s Day is the day partners assure one another that they’re still in love because obviously without indulging in capitalistic endeavors, the followers on Instagram and family on Facebook would not believe in your love. This would inadvertently declare the gospel truth and that, my friends, is how lovely, blossoming relationships end. It is incredibly strange how quickly V-Day will turn into the D-day.

So, we were looking online for some gifts to save our relationships and guess what? We found some fabulous budget-friendly gifts for our dates! We’re even willing to share those ideas with you because we believe in brotherhood and smashing capitalism.

Here’s the list of some the gifts that your wives and girlfriends would like!

• Customized pillow ($20) 

Source: Amazon

Do you know the way to a woman’s heart? No, it’s not what Tiffany’s like to propagate because diamonds are simply not it. It is understanding and acknowledging their feelings. So, take a picture of an amazing memory you both share, customize it on a pillow, gift it to her, and watch her lips curl into a smile. It’s the small tokens of love, man!

• “What I Love About You” Journal ($7.49)

Source: Amazon

Go a bit sentimental this valentine’s day and tell the love of your life the things you most admire about her. This might hurt your masculinity if you’re one of those macho dudes. But hey, you don’t have to go overtly emotional in this one. Mention all the inside jokes and amusing traits that she possesses that only you know of as it will strengthen your bond. This one is a best seller on Amazon! 

• Date Night In: More than 120 Recipes to Nourish Your Relationship ($17.99) 

Source: Amazon

Is your partner into cooking? Does she have a knack for trying fresh recipes? Now don’t be sexist and gift to her just because you assumed that she’d be into cooking based on her gender. If you don’t know her well enough, then it’s better to pick anything else on this list. However, if she is interested, then this is the perfect present!. Also, it’s something you both can look forward to on your future dates, so lucky you!

• Over-sized Sherpa Blanket Sweatshirt ($39.99)

Source: Amazon 

Do you go away a lot on business? Well, if you do, then this is a great way of ensuring that your wife or girlfriend doesn’t miss your cuddles. Gift this to your better half so that your cuddlesome sweatshirt could keep her warm on cold winter nights.

So, use one of these cheap gift ideas and make this Valentine’s day a memorable one!

Updated February 6, 2020
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