A Guide to Financial Freedom After 65

  • AUTHOR: editor
  • POSTED ON: May 29, 2023

So you have reached golden years of retirement! Now, it’s time to savor the freedom, embark on new adventures, and relax. But wait! Don’t hit the snooze button on taxes just yet! Yes, even in retirement, those pesky tax matters still demand attention. So, fear not, as we’re here to help you! 

From talking about the mysteries of taxes in retirement to providing solutions for each, this blog has everything you need to know about! So, let’s not extend this introduction anymore and discuss the 8 golden points to living your retirement age with taxes.

What is Tax Planning? 

Tax planning is a process of organizing and managing your financial spending to reduce the amount of tax you have to pay. It further includes understanding laws and using legal strategies. 

Though the main goal of tax planning is to increase your savings. And the best way to do that is by taking advantage of deductions, credits, exemptions, and other benefits. 

Most people even hire financial advisors to make decisions about their investments, expenses, and income. 

Why is Tax Planning Essential Even After Retirement? 

Imagine you’ve worked hard all your life and have finally reached retirement. You might think that taxes are a thing of the past, but that’s not entirely true. Tax planning remains essential even after retirement, and here’s why;

  • Protects your retirement income 
  • You get to optimize social security benefits
  • Healthcare costs become manageable
  • Tax planning doesn’t let you pay extra 
  • Reduces healthcare expenses
  • Essential for future planning
  • Financially secured retirement years

Planning A Financially Secured Retirement: 8 Rules To Live By!

Now moving back to the main point of this blog, we’ve listed down 8 golden rules regarding taxes to live by in your retirement era. 

Aging Gracefully, Tax-Wise: A Guide to Financial Freedom After 65

1. Retirement Doesn’t Restrict Tax Planning

We can’t stress this enough! But don’t think you’re done with taxes just because you stopped working. Even in retirement, there are lots of smart ways to pay less in taxes each year. Further, you can use clever tricks to make your retirement money last longer. So, keep on planning to make the most of your golden years!

2. Your Income Decides Your Healthcare Plans

Did you know that the money you make can affect how much you have to pay for Medicare? It’s true! Medicare Part B and Part D have something called IRMAA, which stands for income-related monthly adjustment amount. So, the more money you earn, the higher your premiums for Medicare can be.

How Does It Work? 

The amount you pay in premiums each year is based on your tax returns from two years ago. So, if you want to save money on your Medicare premiums, you can actually do some smart planning. And by finding ways to lower your taxable income, you can pay less for Medicare.

But here’s the catch, IRMAA surcharges are not like a gradual increase. They work more like a cliff. So, if you take out some extra money from your retirement account or make some big profits, it can push you over the edge and increase your premiums.

That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and be proactive. By thinking about your taxes and making strategic decisions, you can save money on healthcare costs. 

3. Donating Directly To A Charity Is Possible

When you turn 73, you have to take out some money from your retirement savings like a 401(k), IRA, or Pension Plan. This is called a qualified charitable contribution. By doing this, you can stop your income from increasing, otherwise, the taxes will get higher too.

4. About The Side Businesses After Retirement

You would be surprised to see how many people are doing side businesses in their retirement age. And such side incomes also require tax planning. 

So, try to deduct things like the cost of health insurance, expenses, home office, and other things to lower the amount of taxes you have to pay. 

Further, when there’s an extra income, you can save more for your retirement. So, forget the thoughts like ‘Why would I want to save more money for retirement?’ and start saving right away! 

Also, it’s beneficial if your spouse is working and adding money into a retirement plan like a SEP IRA, Solo 401(k), or a Cash Balance Plan. In this way, you can lower the total taxes your household has to pay. Further, you can even set up a Roth 401(k), which will help you grow in your retirement without paying taxes. 

5. Social Security Can Be Taxable

Many retired people only get a little income from their Social Security to avoid paying taxes. But that’s not the case. Instead, Social Security can be taxed if it reaches a certain amount, i.e., $25,000. 

But there’s good news! The tax rates for Social Security are slightly lower than regular incomes. So, if you’re getting close to a point where your Security becomes taxable, you can plan your withdrawal from your IRA. 

And the best way to do that is by taking out more money from your IRA in a year or withdrawing fewer amounts in another year to lower the tax payment. 

Aging Gracefully, Tax-Wise: A Guide to Financial Freedom After 65

6. State Tax Breaks On Retirement Income

It’s not difficult to plan where you will live in your retirement. But did you know that each state has different tax duties? Some don’t have any retirement income. So, plan and choose wisely! 

7. Gaining Tax Loss

If you’ve been investing for a long time, you should be expecting a paycheck. But such investments can also have tax duties. So, by opting for tax loss harvesting, you can reduce the amount you have to pay after retirement. 

We suggest discussing this with a financial planner for better understanding. 

8. Paying More Taxes Now Is Not Bad! 

Sometimes it’s better to pay a little more taxes now instead of paying much later. And many people choose to put money into a Roth IRA instead of a traditional IRA for this reason.

It may seem like a good idea to use up all your retirement savings with lower taxes first. But this can lead to a huge amount of taxes later in life, leaving you with few options to lower your pay-ups. 

Aging Gracefully, Tax-Wise: A Guide to Financial Freedom After 65

The Takeaway

So, reaching retirement age will not let you escape the trap of paying taxes. But with the above-discussed rules and strategies, you can surely live a financially-secure life. 

And that was all in this blog. If you want to read more on finance, head out to the section by clicking here

Updated May 29, 2023
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