What? You’re finally going on that road trip you have been planning for a long time? It’s a miracle! But are you sure you have all the essentials and are not missing out on anything? Especially travel insurance? Gotcha!
Many road travelers skip the insurance option, and you’re not alone. Most people only consider this option when catching flights or boarding cruise ships. But guess what? Unexpected accidents, illnesses, and trip cancellations occur during road trips, too. So, you’ve to make up your mind carefully.
And here’s what we’re going to do. First, we’ll tell you the benefits of road trip travel insurance. Then, there are common pitfalls you’ve to avoid. And the takeaway, at last. So, buckle up and let’s hit the road while we tell you what you need to know!
The top travel insurance perks include prepaid and nonrefundable expenses, and here’s how to make the most of it;
With travel insurance, you can get a hold of nonrefundable payments for rental cars. However, this doesn’t work if you have your own car for traveling.
Coined by Joe Cronin, president of International Citizens Insurance, travel insurance covers all sorts of nonrefundable hotel stays. Amazing, right?
You don’t need to worry about out-of-network deducts or extra pay-ups when opting for road trip travel insurance. Travel medical coverage with travel insurance means no expense!
So, let’s say you’re singing the wheels on the bus go round and round or Roads Untraveled by Linkin Park. But something unexpected happens, and you have to pause your music and stop the overall trip. Now, that’d be a bummer. So, it’s better to be prepared beforehand by learning the situations in which your travel insurance can come handy. We’ve listed a few below;
As suggested by TravelInsurance.com, you need to have insurance on the road as much as you need when flying out of town. And the best thing? You can cancel your trips and get a refund if the weather goes bad.
Road trips can easily bring out our adventurous side. So, if you’ve caused yourself a minor injury and the nearby hospital refuses to cover your domestic healthcare plan. Avail yourself of travel insurance and skip to the easy part. But be careful, don’t try the prohibited activities on your insurance policy!
What’s a road trip if you’re not going far, right? That’s why the CEO of Visitor Insurance Services suggests purchasing travel medical insurance when away from home.
Car troubles are inevitable. But thanks to travel insurance, your car can get fixed, and you wouldn’t have to worry about bills while staying somewhere.
It’s great that you’re convinced enough to buy travel insurance for your road trip. But it’s not a piece of cake either. So, here’s how you can be a pro and make the most of this upgrade;
Before buying a policy, it’s a good idea to check if your regular car insurance covers you when renting a car. This can save you money by not buying too much coverage. In addition, some insurance companies offer customizable plans, so you only pay for the coverage you need.
It’s easy to get mistaken when reading insurance policies. But you’ve to carefully read everything and get one designed specifically for road trips. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is a good example.
Road trips are meant to be longer! So, don’t shy away from planning long road trips and buying suitable insurance to cover the miles.
After covering all the ifs and buts, we believe you will not forget to buy travel insurance for your road trips. And to motivate you further, here’s an example;
The Anderson family was planning their road trip to Alaska. But they had their doubts. Thankfully, they came across this short guide and bought the American Express insurance plan for $984 with coverage of $25,000.
So, what’s the takeaway?
Travel insurance is necessary when renting a car, staying at a hotel, or experiencing a medical emergency. Further, as much as buying insurance for road trips sounds convincing, try to avoid making mistakes.
And even if you don’t use your travel insurance, you’ll know there’s a backup.
Your road journey can end, but we’ve more ways to connect with you! Find us on our socials and subscribe to our newsletter for prioritized finance updates. Till then, have a safe and happy road trip!