Dunkin’ Bids Farewell to Its Styrofoam Cups

  • AUTHOR: fiona
  • POSTED ON: December 20, 2019

Dunkin’ ditched its Styrofoam cups and joined the environment-protecting league.

Just like Dunkin’s beverages, these foam cups were fairly popular among the clientele, and they were utilized as an added insulation for hot drinks.

To make this “breakup” official, Dunkin’ had its baristas wearing pins that read “the double cup is breaking up.” The company has also installed multiple billboards revealing the “Consciously Un-Cup-Ling” campaign.

The hashtag #DoubleCupBreakup also made its rounds on Twitter.

(Video: https://twitter.com/DunkinBoston/status/1195456516469465088)

The announcement was made earlier in 2018 at the Dunkin’ Donut’s official page. According to Dunkin’, the on-going campaign to replace foam cups will be completed by April 2020. 

The newly introduced double-walled cups contain a plastic coating to keep heat from flowing outside and burning hands that hold it. Although the cups are designed according to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard, they are still not completely recyclable.

As for the customers’ reaction, a large fraction has applauded the initiative undertaken by Dunkin’.

However, others did not endorse Dunkin’s take on Styrofoam cups. 

Amidst all this chaos, some customers had genuine concerns. 

Despite the instigated debate, Dunkin’ is investing greatly in its pun-rich campaign to celebrate the demise of Styrofoam cups. Rightly, “The double cup is breaking’ up!”

Updated December 20, 2019
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