Everything To Know About Stamen Grigorov And His Yogurt Discovery

  • AUTHOR: midhat
  • POSTED ON: October 27, 2020

Google has put on a doodle for Dr. Stamen Grigorov
on account of his 142nd birthday.

Are you scratching your heads, thinking who he is,
what he has done, and why he is being honored by Google Doodle?

Well, don’t worry! We’ve got all the answers.

Who was
Stamen Grigorov?

Dr. Stamen Grigorov (Featured on Google Doodle) Biography: Wiki, Age,  Discovery - 101Biography

Born on 27th October 1878 in a small
village of Studen Izvor in Western Bulgaria, Grigorov is widely known for
discovering Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, the bacterium responsible for the
fermentation of milk into yoghurt.

He was also responsible for the development of the
world’s first tuberculosis vaccine.

After developing an interest in science from a
very young age, Grigorov eventually earned a doctorate from the Medical
University of Geneva, Switzerland.

After his wedding in 1904, Grigorov returned to
the university to work as a Research Assistant.

Why is being
honored with a Google Doodle?

Google: Τιμά με doodle τον Stamen Grigorov (video) | healthweb.gr

When he was in university, Grigorov’s wife used to
send him some Bulgarian culinary staple, which had sour milk in it.

He was fascinated with its taste and health benefits and decided to assess it under a microscope.

At last, after thousands of experiments, he
finally discovered what he was desperately seeking for: the rod-shaped
microorganism essential for milk’s fermentation into yogurt. This was one of the Grigorov’s discoveries.

Later, the discovered bacterium was renamed as
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus in the honor of Grigorov’s home country.

In the same year, Grigorov took over a key
position as Chief Physician at a local hospital in his hometown of Trun.

In 1906, he published an innovative paper
describing the first use of penicillin fungi against tuberculosis.

Throughout his life, he continued working as a
doctor and saved hundreds of lives along the way.

fascinating facts about Dr. Stamen Grigorov:

The man responsible for identifying fermentation
bacteria has led a very interesting life. Here’s what you need to know about

1. Grigorov was determined to fight against Tuberculosis:

New TB vaccine could save millions of lives, study suggests

Discovering a bacteria wasn’t only a feather in
his cap; Grigirov also contributed to the development of the world’s first
vaccine of tuberculosis.

He worked as the Chief Physician at the main
hospital in the city of
in Bulgaria. In 1906, he published a groundbreaking scientific report
“The Anti-tuberculosis vaccine,” which detailed his scientific research into
the application of penicillin fungi for the treatment of tuberculosis.

When the paper was published, the scientific
community showed great interest in Grigorov’s vaccine (treatment).
However, his scientific experiments “in-vitro” and “in-vivo” on animals and
later on human patients, he successfully displayed and explained the healing
effect of penicillin in the treatment of tuberculosis.

He didn’t get the credit for what he deserved, as
Bulgaria Radio said it was “an off confluence of events” that resulted in
Grigorov not being recognized for contributing to a tuberculosis vaccine.
Scientists Camille Guerin and Albert Calmette got most of the credits for the
vaccine development.

It was reported that Bulgarian medical institution
was not powerful enough to support Grigorov’s findings, because of which he
couldn’t get the credit and recognition for his findings.

2. The world’s first and only museum of Yogurt
is located at Grigorov’s hometown of Studen Izvor

Stamp Bulgaria 2015: Yogurt Museum (Thursday)

Sour milk is a commonly used ingredient in
Bulgarian cuisine. When Grigorov was working as a research assistant at the
Medical university of Genera in Switzerland, his wife used to send him some
Bulgarian yogurt as a receiving gift.

He was curious about its flavor and health
benefits so he decided to study it under a microscope. It was reported that
Grigorov used a pot from his homeland known as a “rukatka.” After Grigorov’s
findings, the Bulgarian yogurt became very much “in vogue” in the 1930’s and

All thanks to Grigorov who first discovered the
microorganism that produced the yogurt. In recognition of Grigorov’s hometown,
rod-shaped bacterium was named as the Lactobacillus Bulgaricus.

In honor of his findings, the Museum of Yogurt was
built in his hometown of Studen Izvor (translated as Cold Spring) in 2007. The
museum includes all the documents of Grigorov’s life, Stamen Grigorov cause of death, Stamen Grigorov age, Stamen Grigorov death, Stamen Grigorov games, from his birth to the
time he died. So, if you’re curious to know more about his findings, you know
where to visit!

3. Grigorov also served as a medical officer
during World War 1

Stamen Grigorov - Wikipedia

Contrary to the common belief that a scientist’s
place is only at his lab, Grigorov was also a war hero. Grigorov served as a
medical officer in the Bulgarian army in World War 1.

During this war, Bulgaria joined it’s allegiance
to Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Over 75,000 Bulgarian soldiers died
during the war.

4. A glacier in Antarctica was named after
Grigorov in honor of his work

Grigorov Glacier - Wikipedia

The Grigorov Glacier in Antarctica was named in
honor of the famed Bugarian scientist and doctor. The Glacier is 1.1 miles long
and just under 1 mile in length. The glacier was named after Grigorov in June
2010, according to the Australian government’s website. It is located on the
Albena Peninsula on Brabant Island in the Palmer Archipelago.

Grigorov is now among 300 medical professionals
who have glaciers by their name in Antarctica.

5. Do you know why Bulgarian peasants have
increased lifespans? It’s because of the Yogurt!

12 abilities we Bulgarians have over the rest of the world - Matador Network

There is a Russian scientist named Ilya Mechnikov
who studied Grigorov’s findings and discovered a connection between the amount
of yogurt consumed by Bulgarian peasants and the length of their lives. His
study involved 37 countries of the world, among which Machnikov found that most
people of Bulgaria have a life span of more than 100 years.

Later, he discovered that the proteolytic bacteria
that is essentially responsible for ageing in the bowel was repressed by the
bacteria found in yogurt. Since people of Bulgaria consume yogurt extensively
in their diet, they get to live more years than any other people in the

After his discovery, yogurt is now linked with the
reduction of cholesterol in the human body, impression of cancer and also
responsible for suppressing the causes of unhealthy bacteria.

So the next time you’re eating yogurt, you know
who to remember- Stamen Grigorov!

Updated October 27, 2020
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