Greta Thunberg Reminds That World Temperature is Continually Rising

  • AUTHOR: fiona
  • POSTED ON: March 2, 2020

The 17-year-old climate activist who previously shook the world with her UN speech is back to remind the world leaders that we are running out of time. This time, she was on the panel of young environmentalists at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. 

Source: Common Dreams

Greta Thunberg highlighted the issue at the forum saying that we are running out of time and are unable to keep the temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius. She asked the politicians and media to pay attention to all the reports being released by scientists working on climate change, and to urgently take action to protect the world for the future generation.

Thunberg talked about the 2018 SR15 1PCC report which revealed that in order to limit the temperature change to 1.5 degrees Celsius, we require, “rapid, far-reaching and unresponded changes in all aspects of society”.

She said, “In chapter two on page 108 in the SR15 IPCC report that came out in 2018, it says that if we are to have a 67 per cent chance of limiting the global average temperature rise to below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we had on Jan. 1 2018, we had about 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit in that budget.”

Source: The Guardian

She also warned that the reserve we have for the carbon budget might vanish in 8 years if we keep exhausting the sources. “That number is much lower today as we emit about 42 gigatons of CO2 every year. These numbers aren’t anyone’s opinions or political views, this is the current best available science. Though many scientists suggest these figures are too moderate, these are the ones accepted through the IPCC.”

Thunberg pointed out that it is due to the first world countries that the underdeveloped regions are suffering massive changes and authorities are not doing enough to stop it. She asked all the billionaires to focus their energy on making the voice of youth the center of attention and urged them to take action to lower their carbon footprint.

Source: 06 News

The panel also included Salvador Gomez-Colon, Natasha Mwansa, Edward Felsenthal and Autumn Peltier who also discussed similar issues that fall under youth activism for climate change. Thunberg will deliver her own speech at the same forum on Tuesday.

Updated March 2, 2020
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