Massachusetts Takes A Brave Decision!

  • AUTHOR: dua
  • POSTED ON: March 30, 2020

All across the world, governments are coming up with unique tactics and policies to fight Coronavirus. Doctors, nurses, and scientists are doing everything in their power to find a solution to this novel pandemic. Citizens are showing their gratitude by making generous donations and staying at home. Some are even coming out in their balconies to join the rest of their neighbors, to clap and shout words of appreciation in their honor.  

Source: Mass Live

Despite being surrounded by gloominess and despair, we still find reasons to celebrate joy. Although thousands of people have died worldwide, we’re still standing strong and are committed to the need of the hour: social distancing. We’re filled with deep regret as we didn’t take these precautions early on and we’re grieving as many of our loved ones are bidding us farewell. However, we’re still surviving and trying hard not to get engulfed in our sorrows. Human beings are surprising and it’s amazing how much they’re capable of. 

Some of us realize that we have more responsibilities than the rest. Doctors, nurses, and scientists stand firmly on the front line of healthcare as they’re dedicated to their duty. Without any protective gear or equipment, they’re treating patients. This puts their own life at risk, but they’re willingly making these choices. This liability and faithfulness alone deserve great applause.

Due to the rising number of patients, hospitals are lagging behind. Hence, Massachusetts has taken a brave decision and given a green light to the fourth-year medical students to graduate three months early. This decision permits them to join their residencies ahead of schedule. They would now be able to fight the Coronavirus along with other dutiful doctors by their side.

As of now UMass Medical School, Tufts School of Medicine, BU School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School have reached an agreement with the Government and health and human services. Governor. Charlie Baker and Marylou Shudders of the Health and Human Services have given thumbs up to accelerate the graduation of final year students.

In an official statement, Shudders said: We’ve been working with the deans of the medical schools in Massachusetts for early graduation so that it’s a cadre of communities.

Source: Columbia Missourian

The global pandemic has killed 1100 people in America alone. In Massachusetts, 25 people have lost their lives. Approximately 80,000 people have tested positive with Massachusetts having a share of 2417 people.

This agreement means 700 new physicians can officially join the medical field and provide their services to mankind. UMass Medical University announced the placement of its 135 students last week. In an email, they university officials said: These students are well-educated, prepared, care deeply about their community and, with appropriate supervision, are eager to join the front lines of patient care. We have no doubt our medical students are up to the task.

“We applaud the governor and secretary for leading this unique collaboration on behalf of the health of our commonwealth and for allowing our medical students to do what they have trained for years to do: treat the patients for whom it will be their privilege to care.” – The email continued.

Doctors, nurses, and clinicians have given their all as they’ve been working tirelessly for the past four weeks. Some of them have even fallen sick after contracting their virus from their patients. More than 150 employees in Boston have tested positive for the virus while serving other patients.

Approximately 1000 doctors in Massachusetts have urged Baker to send Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) otherwise the entire healthcare system would collapse in a week. They’ve also requested them to introduce serious restrictions to decrease the spread of this virus.

Associate director for clinical operations of the Emergency Department at Mass. General Hospital Brain Yun has disclosed his daily routine during this pandemic. He checks in with the medical teams, the stock supply, and finds out the latest news regarding the virus on social media. Of course, amidst this all, he doesn’t forget to keep himself sanitized.

He says, “On the clinical side it’s really trying to keep the camaraderie up. As you can tell, this is really a marathon versus a sprint, and it can definitely tire out people.”

To reduce the burden on the healthcare sector, Monica Bharel, who is the commissioner of the Department of Public Health, has exuded the order of nurse-to-patient ratio. Additionally, the state has also given a license to final year pharmacy students to practice in the Bay State.

It’s safe to say that no medical student wanted to begin their professional journey this way. However, a pandemic like this has forced them to join their duty earlier than expected. It’s an unnatural feeling as it seems like Coronavirus is a war and young doctors are being recruited to pay their duty.

Updated March 30, 2020
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