Prince Charles Has Recovered From Coronavirus and Shares a Message of Hope with People

  • AUTHOR: isbah
  • POSTED ON: April 2, 2020

The Prince next in line to the throne has recovered from coronavirus and he has a message for all those who are concerned about him.

He remained in social isolation for seven days as prescribed by the doctors but the period has ended and The Prince of Wales has emerged victorious. He thanked all the people who sent him messages during the tough period and also showed support for paramedics and health care staff members who are risking their lives to protect others.

Source: Free Malaysia Today

“Having recently gone through the process of contracting this coronavirus, luckily with relatively mild symptoms, I now find myself on the other side of the illness, but still in no less a state of social distance and general isolation,” the Prince said. “As we are all learning, this is a strange, frustrating, and often distressing experience, when the presence of family and friends is no longer possible and the normal structures of life are suddenly removed.”

“My wife and I are thinking particularly of all those who have lost their loved ones in such very difficult and abnormal circumstances and those having to endure sickness, isolation, and loneliness,” he added.

Source: Twitter

Prince Charles also notified the viewers that he is funding the organization Age UK while his wife is the patron of Silver Line and both these charities are working to make the lives of senior citizens easier.

“Our hearts go out to all those older people throughout this country who are now experiencing great difficulty,” he said. “However, we also know that in every community up and down this land where people of all ages are being affected by this virus, there are truly wonderful neighbors, individuals, and groups of volunteers who are providing ceaseless care and attention to those most at risk.”

He requested the locals to remain hopeful in the face of difficulty and said, “As a nation, we are faced by a profoundly challenging situation, which we are only too aware threatens the livelihoods, businesses, and welfare of millions of our fellow citizens. None of us can say when this will end, but end it will. Until it does, let us try and live with hope, and with faith in ourselves and each other, look forward to better times to come.”

You can watch the full video here:

Updated April 2, 2020
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