California is declaring curfews due to the violent protests that have started in support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Armed National Guard soldiers have been placed on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall so no more protesters can break into important buildings and burn police cars.
The Orange County
In certain cities, people looted stores and ran away with goods like boxes of sneakers, clothes, cell phones, and TVs.
The police have arrested almost 400 people since the rioting in Los Angeles began as the authorities refuse to do anything about the Minneapolis incident of George Floyd’s murder.
Police Chief Michel Morse is leading the arrest and he said that the National Guard and additional officers would help.
Apparently, the police were not satisfied with just murdering George Floyd and the officers have opened fire on the protestors, as threatened by President Trump himself. A victim in Walnut Creek was shot in the arm during the protest.
Police also fired tear gas and rubber bullets at people in Sacramento after the peaceful demonstration turned into a violent protest. However, due to the history of police’s bias towards the injustice, many protestors speculate that the people who escalated the situation were sent by the government so that they could find an excuse to open gun fires.
Source: US News
In San Francisco, a crowd of one thousand people gathered to chant “Black Lives Matter” and “George Floyd”. “
We’re here because George Floyd was murdered in cold blood,” one of the protesters, Aliasiah Allah, said.
Two banks in east San Diego were burned to the ground and Ally Kaiahua said, “I think people are hurting and they’re angry and they’re trying to be heard because there’s no other way to get anyone’s attention.”