Google Meet’s Noise Cancelation Feature for Both iOS and Android

  • AUTHOR: dua
  • POSTED ON: September 29, 2020

Google has just
released an impressive noise cancellation feature on Google Meet, but it’s not
readily available for everyone. To avail this feature, you need to be a G Suite
Enterprise or G Suite Enterprise for Education customer. Google has said that
that the option rolled out for the first time for web users in June.

The technology is
basically developed to cut the background noise like keyboard and barking dog
while you’re on Google Meet. To get an idea of how impressive this feature is,
take a look at this VentureBeat video which emerged back in June. It
demonstrates how the noise cancellation technology silences the crinkling bag
of chips and even the sound of a clicking pen.

According to the
updates provided on Google’s G Suite blog, the feature is
currently turned off by default on mobiles. However, you can turn it on if you
use it for call by going on the settings. 

Updated September 29, 2020
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