Sony has decided to move the upcoming PlayStation 5 event to Thursday, June 11th at 4 PM ET. The event was supposed to take place on June 4th but Sony postponed the event due to the mass protests happening in the US after the murder of George Floyd.
Sony Interactive CEO Jim Ryan said that the event will run “for a bit more than an hour” as Sony will release a series of games it is planning for PS5.
Source: Sony
The presentation has already been recorded and will stream at 1080p and 30fps for all the viewers. A blog post released by Sid Shuman, senior director for Sony Interactive’s Content Communications said that recording the event was more feasible for the company as most of the employees are working from home so any technical error during the event would just cause inconvenience.
“The games you’ll see on Thursday will look even better when you play them on PS5 with a 4K TV, as you’d expect,” Shuman wrote.
Shuman also said that the viewers should wear headphones while watching the event because “there’s some cool audio work in the show, and it might be harder to appreciate if it’s pumped through your phone or laptop speakers.”
We already know that PS5 will have 3D audio capabilities so it might be linked to that.
Source: Twitter
In May, Sony revealed the name of the console, its logo, its specs, and its new DualSense controller, and Epic Games also did a presentation on PS5.
The design of the console has not been released by Sony yet and we are not sure if they will do so on Thursday either.
Ryan said in the original event blog that “after next week’s showcase, we will still have much to share with you” so they might keep us waiting for the console design a bit longer.
The PS5 will have a custom eight-core AMD Zen 2 CPU, a custom AMD RDNA 2-based GPU, 16GB of GDDR6 RAM, and a proprietary SSD with 825GB of storage and 5.5GB/s of performance. The controller’s share button is now called the “create” button but any additional operations related to this change have not been revealed yet.