As people in the UK are burning down 5G post masts due to the spread of false information, authorities have been forced to take action. According to the latest news, video site Youtube is saying that it will limit the promotional content on accounts that provide inaccurate information and will not put such videos in the recommendation of the users.
Source: Gulf News
According to The Guardian, the company will ensure that all the conspiracy theories related to 5G that mention coronavirus are removed from the site. However, information related to 5G where coronavirus is not relevant would still be present as it falls under “borderline content” but users would not find them in search bars.
This news came after seven towers were set on fire in the UK because someone spread false information about 5G being the primary source of the outbreak.
Source: BBC
A Youtube spokesperson told The Guardian that the social site has “clear policies that prohibit videos promoting medically unsubstantiated methods to prevent the coronavirus in place of seeking medical treatment,” adding that it had started “reducing recommendations of borderline content such as conspiracy theories related to 5G and coronavirus, that could misinform users in harmful ways.”
Eradicating false news culture is almost a necessity during these times as people are relying heavily on social platforms and they are vulnerable enough to believe anything that catches the attention of a large audience.
Therefore, social media websites should act accordingly and only allow verified pages of WHO or local disease control centers to communicate any coronavirus-related information to the people.